Using Virtual Open Events as part of your Marketing Mix

Using Virtual Open Events as part of your Marketing Mix

A Virtual Open Event is a structured online experience designed to introduce prospective families to your school. Operating similarly in objective to an Open Event, a Virtual Open Event offers people the chance to explore your campus, hear from key staff, ask questions, and get the information they need to take a step towards enrolment.

Open Events allow parents to get a feel for your school, understand its culture and see first-hand what you can offer their child. They play a key role in any parent’s decision-making process, assisting them to decide if your school or college is the right fit for their child. Open Events should be an indispensable part of any school’s marketing strategy.

In recent years, interruptions to regular Open Events hampered the ability of schools to attract enrolments. There has never been a better time to consider adding Virtual Open Events to your marketing mix, whether as a contingency plan in case of emergency or to complement your existing Open Events with a virtual option.   


What makes an effective Virtual Open Event?

An effective Virtual Open Event:


1. Should mimic the offerings of an in-person Open Event.

2. Allows visitors the opportunity to familiarise themselves with your campus.

3. Introduces visitors to key staff members.

4. Gives participants the opportunity to ask questions and get the information they need to submit an enrolment application.

The components of an Open Event can be replicated virtually in several ways. Firstly, you can allow parents to familiarise themselves with your campus using either an interactive campus map or a virtual tour:


Isometric Campus Map Design

Image: An illustration of an interactive campus map with clickable icons which reveal images of each room.

Interactive maps show where facilities are located in relation to one another, as well imagery similar to what a visitor would see during an in-person tour.

Image: A 360-degree view of a classroom in a virtual tour.

Another common tool used to apprise families with campuses is virtual tours. Usually consisting of 360-degree imagery of video footage of your school, these tours allow users to navigate around campus, offering a similar perspective as to if they were there in person.

While these tours provide a detailed experience of what it is like to traverse your campus, they can be less effective at illustrating where facilities are in relation to one another and may sometimes be disorientating.

Regardless of which approach is used, it is integral that these virtual experiences attempt to capture the character and liveliness of your school. Given that their primary purpose is to build familiarity and confidence in your facilities, they should capture important landmarks, and the vitality of classrooms, highlight iconic and characterful buildings, showcase meeting spaces, convey the power of auditoriums and highlight the amenity of greenspaces and ovals.

If you want your virtual campus map or tour to be memorable, highlight what makes your campus unique.

Key features of a successful Virtual Open Event.

Just like any good Open Event, meeting key staff members is an essential part of the experience. This is no exception when it comes to an effective Virtual Open Event. Thankfully there are several great ways to achieve this, the first being pre-recorded videos.


As the name suggests, pre-recorded videos are recorded by heads of departments and key staff members in anticipation of the event. Their pre-recorded nature means staff have time to prepare responses to frequently asked questions and schedule the video to auto-play at a predetermined time during the Virtual Open Event.

Alternatively, embedded links to Zoom calls can be used as a more intimate way for participants to meet staff members. Offering parents the ability to meet and ask questions in real-time, provides a better experience for attendants. These calls can open up the possibility of questions being asked that staff cannot initially answer, requiring follow-up after the call.

Finally, live streams offer a balance between the first two approaches, providing a more intimate ‘real-time experience’ while eliminating the possibility of on-the-spot questions that may not be immediately answerable. Similar to the Zoom approach, questions can be submitted beforehand to give staff members time to prepare their responses.

Choose the method that you think will work best for your school and focus on delivering a genuine and personable experience to platform users.

An effective Virtual Open Event should also provide users with all the information they need to submit an enrolment application. To eliminate any barriers in getting your enrolments, this process should be made as easy as possible for enrolling families. Typically, we recommend including a Prospectus download, contact details for families with any last-minute questions and a clear call-to-action to enrol. This call-to-action can be a link to the enrolment form, an enrolment portal, or however your school or college accepts enrolments.

How can a Virtual Open Event supplement your marketing mix?

Given the importance of Open Events in parents’ decision-making process, the inclusion of a Virtual Open Event in your existing marketing mix can supplement the effectiveness of your current campaigns.

We’ve found Virtual Open Events provide a number of key benefits over traditional ‘enquiry’ campaigns. Primarily, they offer greater enrolment conversion rates and significantly higher audience retention rates.

Virtual Open Events will provide a greater return on your advertising investment and the creation of warmer leads going forward.

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How you can promote your event online and offline

How you can promote your event online and offline

Following on my latest posts, “How to advertise school events” and “Increasing attendance at school open events”,  let’s look at: How can you promote your event online and offline.

Digital Advertising

Digital advertising is usually broken up into three main audiences:

  • ‘cold’ audiences are people who have never heard about your College.
  • ‘warm’ audiences are people who may have visited your website or interacted with your content.
  • ‘hot’ audiences are on your email list and actively seeking a school.

Digital marketing can be used to promote your events to each of these audiences in the following ways:

  • Email event invitations – Your email list is your most valuable asset and works great to advertise upcoming events. We usually send about two emails per event depending on your email list and event schedule for the year.
  • SMS invitations – SMS should be used sparingly, but I like to send event invitations as text messages and also send booking reminders before the event.
  • Display ads to both warm audiences and interest-based audiences in your local area using Google Ads or programmatic display advertising.
  • Facebook Ads to both warm audiences and interest-based audiences.

The great thing about using digital advertising to promote your event is that you can measure conversions (event registrations) and tell exactly which ads and audiences are working best to attract registrations for your school.

Traditional Advertising

Traditional marketing still plays an important role in our overall event marketing efforts. No strategy is complete without thinking about the people that may not be online. Having said that, not all traditional mediums are suited to call-to-action event marketing and below I go through my top recommendations when it comes to choosing traditional mediums:

  • Leaflet deliveries work well when done 4-6 weeks before an event. They can also be integrated with digital, with an SMS to register call-to-action and email follow-up.
  • Outdoor signage such as signboards and light pole banners can work well but need to be up about 8 weeks before the event.
  • Magazine ads typically suit longer-term campaigns because even though they may be distributed monthly or termly, they get read long after their publishing date.

One of the trickiest parts of mastering how to advertise school events is getting traditional mediums right for school events is getting all the details of how people can register in a tight space. The best way to do this is to have a similar look/design banner on your website home page that directs people to your registration page so that you can use your school home page as the go to location for registrants.

However you decide to implement traditional campaigns into your event marketing. Make sure that your digital and traditional campaigns complement each other and work together.

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Increasing Attendance at School Open Events

Increasing Attendance at School Open Events

Following our blog post about “How to advertise School Events”, where we covered the event’s promotion, in this post, we would like to go a bit further and explain how you can make it successful by having high attendance.

We spend so much time and money in our marketing efforts trying to get people to register. That’s why it is so important that we do everything we can to increase attendance on the day.

We have a little formula we follow for open events and the communication leading up to the event:

1. Expectations

We always expect registration for the event. This helps with planning and checking in with how marketing is working leading up to the event.

2. Registrations

Once people register for the school open event, send them a confirmation email and SMS to make sure they know that they are registered.

3. Planification

One week before the event, send out another email reminding them about the event details with a picture of the Principal and details about what to expect on the day.

Two days before the event, send out another reminder. Try to work out your SMS reminder to be the day before the weekend leading up to the event. Say your event is on a Tuesday, send it out on the Friday before. This gives people the time and space to plan their attendance with their family.

Even with all the reminders, people may still not turn up on the day and this could be good marketing dollars gone to waste if not dealt with properly. What I do in these cases is mark people in SchoolCampaign with a ‘didn’t attend’ tag that will send them an immediate SMS inviting them to book a personal school tour.

Often people reply saying they are so sorry they missed the event and that they are still interested in the college. I find that offering them an option for a school tour at a time that suits them, works well to still get them into the school.

I hope this article on how to advertise school events will help you with your planning and promotions, and also help you increase your open event attendance on the day.

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Using Programmatic Advertising to Grow Enrolments

Using Programmatic Advertising to Grow Enrolments

Article by Daniela Moreno

In a world where technology is changing marketing, there are many ways to effectively reach your audiences, and one of these is through ‘Programmatic Advertising’. If you want to run effective ad campaigns for your school that can help you reach new audiences and let potential parents know what makes your school unique, without manually selecting from an extensive list of platforms and placements, programmatic advertising is the answer. Let’s get into it. 

What is Programmatic Advertising? 

Programmatic advertising refers to the automated buying and selling of online ads through software. Instead of taking the time to do all the heavy lifting yourself, buying and selling ads is more automated, making transactions more efficient. Computers and algorithms take care of most of the analytical work, leaving us the homework to negotiate or focus more on targeting. Speaking of targeting, buyers and sellers can access various data points and key performance indicators to ensure the right audiences are reached. 

Through programmatic advertising, audiences are segmented using targeting practices that ensure the ads go to the right audiences at the right time. This method is much more tailored so it gets your ad to customers quickly and easily, thanks to advanced algorithms. When it comes to programmatic versus display advertising, programmatic can expand reach, increase types of ads, refine targeting options, and achieve speed and cost-efficiency.

How does it work? 

When you purchase an ad, an algorithm evaluates various user analytics based on social engagement, location, behaviour, and other factors. With this information, algorithms can learn more about a target audience and determine what ad content would be relevant.

For instance, let’s look at our Kindergarten example:

If a potential parent is searching on the internet for “how to prepare my kid for the first day of kindergarten”, the ad system would evaluate the user and could display other advertisements relating to “Best Kindergarten in the area” or “The perfect school bag”.

Because ads are targeted to each user individually, they are likely to be placed more accurately and will increase the ad campaign’s efficiency.

Programmatic ads can be delivered to audiences in a variety of channels, including mobile platforms, desktop platforms, online tv and more. 

Effective Programmatic Advertising: How it can help with your enrolments?


Delivering a tailored message

Programmatic advertising is an automated process that turns people’s web browsers into data points. Information about what they are looking at and how old or young the person might be, as well as any other actions taken online, is sent to an ad exchange where a series of activities, ranging from artificial intelligence to real-time bidding, results in the visitor seeing an ad targeting them directly.

Your message should be based on your target, academic offerings, educational levels (K-12, undergraduate, graduate, or continuing education), and whether your programs are offered on campus or online.

The ability to reach the exact target audience means you must be clear about whom to direct your efforts toward. If you’re looking to increase enrolments in Prep to Year 2, you’ll want programmatic advertising to focus on younger parents rather than older parents. Similarly, if your focus is online education, you probably won’t care as much about geographic targeting as you would about the age range and interest in online education.

Understanding your customer is integral to programmatic effectiveness. Developing personas to represent the target applicant can be helpful.

  • Do you know the age, gender, and income of your prospective parents? Are they married or single?
  • What kinds of activities interest the prospective parents/school leavers?

Being as detailed as possible about your target’s demographics, increases the chance of your ad being clicked on by the prospective parent or student. 

Real-time optimization 

Programmatic advertising allows you to adjust your ad campaigns in response to changing circumstances or take a more experimental approach. Monitoring your campaigns is key to making sure they’re giving you the best ROI. That’s why you always want to be on top of things and make adjustments when necessary. 

Programmatic advertising will help you see which ads produce the best results. You only have seconds to catch your target’s attention, so make sure that everything about it is on point and perfect for this short window of opportunity. Tweak graphics, photos or copy as needed throughout each campaign until you find the perfect ad. 

You will be present in every stage of their enrolments journey 

Programmatic advertising lets you reach parents of students and university applicants in the awareness, consideration and decision phase of their enrolment journey. You can run a tailored campaign for each part of their journey. Your buyer persona visits multiple sites in the ‘Discovery’ stage of the journey; the robots will learn their search history, and you will have the opportunity to introduce your university, private school or ELC to them. 

Geofencing is a powerful tactic for reaching applicants in all three stages of the buyer’s journey. Geofencing is a location-based service in which an app or other software program uses radio frequency identification (RFID), Wi-Fi, GPS, or cellular data to trigger a targeted marketing action, such as a text, email, social media advertisement, or app notification. For example, if you’re organising an open event, geo-fence the area to get in front of your audience while they’re browsing the web on their laptops or mobile devices. 

To summarise, programmatic advertising is a powerful tool for reaching your target audience. It can deliver targeted messages and ads that are optimized across every stage of the journey, from awareness to enrolments. 

At Roberts Digital, we will help you reach your goals. Whether it’s programmatic advertising, social ads or web design – we’ve got what it takes! Interested? Chat with us about how we can take your digital marketing to the next level!

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A case for Google Search Ads in your Marketing Mix

A case for Google Search Ads in your Marketing Mix

Article by Joeline Dabrowski

With billions of searches per day on Google, Search Ads can ensure that you get your brand in front of the right audience at the right time. If you want to start capitalizing on this number of daily searches and earn the attention you need to grow your enrolments, then search ads are a great way to complement your other marketing efforts!


What is Google Ads?

Google Ads is an online advertising platform developed by Google. The platform allows you to create online ads to reach audiences that are interested in the products and services you offer. Google Ads platform runs on pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, which means that you pay every time a visitor clicks on your ad.

If you are wondering what some of the benefits of advertising on this platform are, then this article is just for you!

Here are some of the reasons why you should be considering Google Ads.


SEVEN Benefits of Google Ads

1. Google has a massive reach

When looking for a solution, Google is generally the place people go to find an answer to their question. With an estimated 63,000 search queries every second, this translates into 5.6 billion searches per day and approximately 2 trillion global searches per year.
This means that search advertising is the perfect way to ensure you get your message in front of the right audience to help them find the answers to their questions.

2. Google Ads complements your other marketing efforts

Google Ads isn’t your only option when it comes to paid advertising online, but it can compliment all your other marketing efforts. If we consider Facebook and Social Media as an example, both these channels can work together with Google Search and feed off each other if used effectively.
Google Ads is a great place to be to generate leads as campaigns can be set up to target specific audiences. For example, when targeting customers using Google Ads, your typical visitor will have some degree of transactional intent and a successful campaign will leverage this.

3. Harness intent

The biggest difference between the people you’re reaching with Google Ads and the people you’re reaching with other forms of advertising is their intent.
On the search network, though, you’re advertising to people who are looking for something specific, like the “best schools in Melbourne” or “private school options”. When your ad appears, this helps people find a solution and prospects come to you for you to help them find the answers they need.

4. A range of targeting and flexibility

Google Ads provides endless options to customize your campaigns and ads to your particular needs, as well as targeting the audiences you most want to reach.
With Google, there’s something for every school and every prospect at every stage of the buyer’s journey. Google Ads allows us to bid on broad keyword search terms as well as very specific phrase keywords to target people along each stage of their product research phase. This also allows your ads to be fully optimised by knowing if one ad for a keyword is working, but another one isn’t, it can be changed. The beauty being that we can boost your performance for optimal results!

5. Google Ads is Measurable

With almost instant feedback and results, Google Ads allow us to use real time metrics to improve campaigns and make the necessary adjustments.
Google makes everything straightforward and easy to understand. We can measure results and information like clicks, impressions, keywords and budget. We can see what search terms people are looking for and adjust ad copy to ensure your ads are gaining the best results possible.

6. Get quicker results than with SEO

SEO can deliver exceptional long-term value but if you are looking for results straight away, Google Ads is the way to go.
Search ads increase your chances of people seeing you first thing once they type their search query into Google. Ads have evolved and are more engaging especially if you have taken the time to create the write message for your audience. Ads can also be set up to display information about your business so your advert can include things like your phone number, site links, testimonials, information about your location, your opening hours, and so much more!

7. Google Ads results may convert better than organic results

Search Ads are very targeted to peoples search terms. When you look at the results after typing in a search query, you generally will find an Ad to be the first result seen on the page as below. If everything in your ad is working as it should to ensure that your keywords are tied to relevant ad copy and a good landing page experience when someone clicks on your ad, this ensures that your prospect is getting all of the information that they are after making a conversion more likely to happen if someone has taken the step of clicking on your ad.

Why use Google Ads?

 The simple answer here is “Why not?”

 With search ads, there is something on offer for schools of all sizes with different budgets and different advertising goals. Search ads set up with the clear objectives are bound to yield positive ongoing results that can set you apart and ensure you are consistently targeting your audience with the message you want to have heard.

Joeline is our google Ads Specialist. She enjoys looking at the numbers and ways to improve results for clients. Outside of work, she is keeping up with her kids’ social activities and spending quality time with her family.

If you have any questions regarding Google Ads, please email