Facebook Share Link Post – Algorithm Changes

I thought I would give you a quick update for those Facebook page owners out there. Facebook has just announced a new tweak to it’s newsfeed algorithm. And I think its great news!

Many of us post a variety of content on our pages – text-only posts, images and links to great content. Facebook has noted that when pages share text only content, that content generally gets less engagement. Facebook is all about engagement, so they have changed their newsfeed algorithm to display less text-only updates from pages in your fans newsfeed. Instead, Facebook will favour link-share posts such as the one below:


Create a Facebook Share Link Post

To create a Facebook share link post, simply write your update and paste in the link you want to share. Facebook will automatically pull an image and description from the link. You can choose to keep the image it has chosen, or you can choose an image of your own.

I hope this helps you!



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